Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Job Poster

2nd Illustration assignment. We had to create a recruitment poster for a job...I chose to do a wedding dress designer and I went with more of concept approach, hence the dress maker's form and the floating flowers! The watercolor background was nerve-racking. It was done with ONE wash....the pink with yellow dropped in on the edges then everything was spread around using the don brandes method of tilting the board till its all soaked in. This was the largest surface I have ever done that on! I can't remember the actuall dimensions, but somewhere a little shy of 18 X24. The dressform was brought up using white gouache and the flowers were acylic and watercolor.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Character development

I enjoyed this project greatly! It was for computer illustration class and we had to come up with our own character and put all our process work on sketchbook pages..and make it look believable! I don't really have a sketchbook with leaf paper in it...but I wish I did! These are my little bird characters....I came up with this idea when I was little and I always wondered what birds did on telephone wires. I think they chat and drink coffee.... so here they are in all their cuteness.

figure painting madness

I will now enlighten you with paintings from figure painting class! From the beginning of the school year till now.
Sara, 2 day

Sara's head, one day

this guy, 3 days..maybe 2

Master copy of John Singer Sargent's " Mrs Wilton Phips"

close up of Mrs. Wilton Phips...

Sunday, October 14, 2007


When I get a chance I plan on putting up photos of figure painting stuff... it's so busy right now!