Oh Erni and Edwin... these little owls are for my children's book illustration class. We get the choice of writing a book and illustrating it or choosing and existing one and re-doing the layout and illustrations. I choose to write my own and did so in about 3 days... since we only had a week to write it. Over the course of the semester we will be story boarding (ha, I'm already done with that part!) then I'll put it together in a dummy and have 2 illustrations plus the cover in full color! I think I will end up doing more finished pages because we have this class for 6 hours on wednesdays....oi..so I get a lot of work done since I'm not being interrupted. The story is a bit long but maybe one day I'll post it, in summary it's about to little owls who are the bestest friends in the whole wide world but one has to move away, they figure out they can be pen pals and all is happy and well. At the end of the story, Erni receives his first pen pal letter and I actually want to have a letter you physical open that attached to the page. Kinda folded in 3 ways... pretty sweet.