One of the classes I have this semester is an Indepent Study with my computer illustration teacher Octavio Perez. Idep. studies are awesome because I get to pick to chose what I'm studying, my assignments and how frequently we meet. I chose Children's Charater development because I felt that was my weakest area... facial expressions and just designing somehting that would fit well in that market. Since I would love to do children's books or work at Hallmark/american greetings I feel this will really help me... and since Perez worked at hallmark he can help me with my portfolio! :P He's been workin me hard but I really love it.
For my first assignment I had to write a descripton of my character... Archibald then figure out what he looked like.. I kinda deviated from cute to something..uh.. eccentric. I have pages and pages of sketches for him but I only put a few on this little page and the color one is justa quick local color study. Here's his description:
Archibald Ore loved unusual shoes. His favorites were shoes with buckles and bells. He liked ones with big buttons and oversized tongues. He had a vast collection in every color. If he had to pick a favorite color it would be a happy mix between magenta and purple, Purmenta he called it. One would think Archibald would have some outlandish clothes to go with his shoes, but this is not the case. Archibald wears plain clothing of the Victorian period but he loves this particularly purple coat. Archibald has a pet that follows him everywhere. This little bird is called Iota. Archibald in his spare time (which is all the time, since he is unemployed) likes to read instruction manuals for complex machinery and he likes books about electrical circuits and wiring. He tries many odd jobs but none seem to like it when he wears his peculiar shoes to work.
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