Saturday, January 26, 2008

final illo in progress

Hm, this has about 3 hours of work on it. I am not sure where to go from here..... any suggestions??


mattcrotts said...

nice! good composition. i like the fact that you highlighted the drop that the foreground dog is about to lap up - smart move. you've also got some more contrast in the foreground than in the background, which is also good.

i'd continue to push foreground contrast, especially on the foreground dog. putting a cooler, darker color on the grass beneath the foreground dog would help him to feel off the ground as well. that's probably the biggest thing that would do well to be pushed.

yeah, i talk about contrast a lot, but the lighter, yellower green around the bottom could stand to be put as a wash around the middle a bit like where the upper hose and sprinkler is, and the darker green immediately around the foreground dog more spread around that whole middle section, and an even darker green around the whole bottom, with a darker-still green under the dog where you think the shadow would be.

that's it, really. everything else is real nice and very you. can't wait to see the finished piece!

Ted Dawson said...

Nice work! I agree that it just needs a little more contrast. Sometimes I'll take a piece into Photoshop and convert it to grayscale so I can see where it's looking too flat.

abby said...

oo good suggestions, totally agree matt on cooling off the foreground. Photoshop is such a lifesaver :P